Gifted Quotes
Sticky Notes of Encouragement

The piece can be sung to several melodies, in particular the 17th-century English melody "Royal Oak", adapted by Martin Shaw, and "All Things Bright and Beautiful" by William Henry Monk.


Music seems to touch everyone in one way or another. Regardless of which type of music you prefer there is no denying that music is an incredibly powerful force. Music itself is a force that has the power to inspire us, transform a person's life, comfort us when we are troubled, bring people together and remind us of times long since past.
"Music makes pictures and often tells stories
All of it magic and all of it true
And all of the pictures and all of the stories
All of the magic, the music is you..."
~John Denver
And I think John Denver was definitely on to something when he wrote...
And Hans Christian Andersen had it right when he wrote "Where words fail, Music speaks."

Here are a few examples of how we take song lyrics and turn them into little works of art that inspire us or remind us of special moments in our lives.
GQ150 In The Garden~ This is the first verse from the hymn, In The Garden, and it's one of our favorites.

Read the amazing story behind this hymn written by C. Austin Miles (1868-1946) himself....
My hands were resting on the Bible while I stared at the light blue wall. As the light faded, I seemed to be standing at the entrance of a garden, looking down a gently winding path, shaded by olive branches. A woman in white, with head bowed, hand clasping her throat, as if to choke back her sobs, walked slowly into the shadows. it was Mary. As she came to the tomb, upon which she placed her hand, she bent over to look in, and hurried away.
John, in flowing robe, appeared, looking at the tomb; then came Peter, who entered the tomb, followed slowly by John.
As they departed, Mary reappeared; leaning her head upon her arm at the tomb, she wept. Turning herself, she saw Jesus standing, so did 1. 1 knew it was He. She knelt before Him, with arms outstretched and looking into His face cried, Rabboni!
I awakened in sunlight, gripping the Bible, with muscles tense and nerves vibrating. Under the inspiration of this vision I wrote as quickly as the words could be formed the poem exactly as it has since appeared. That same evening I wrote the music.
GQ68 Bright Tree~ One of my favorite hymns, All Things Bright and Beautiful is an Anglican hymn. The words are by Cecil Frances Alexander and were first published in her Hymns for Little Children in 1848.

GQ121 Show Me the Way~ Part of the lyrics to the Styx song Show Me the Way (1996), written by Dennis DeYoung. I think this song sums up perfectly how so many of us feel as we get older...

GQ86 God's Will~Part of the lyrics to the 2004 song God's Will, written by Barry Dean and Tom Douglas and sung by Martina McBride. The lyrics are a bit of a play on words if you listen carefully. A really beautiful song with a great message.

GQ29 Calypso~Lyrics by John Denver. I was born in March so I am a child of the sea, as they say, and being around water has always been comforting to me....and I have always loved John Denver's music, which my childhood friend Kim will attest to...

GQ131 Color of Love~A portion of the lyrics to the song, The Color of Love, sung by Billy Ocean
GQ61~The song Candle on the Water is from the original 1977 Disney movie Pete's Dragon, which is one of my favorite movies which I still watch every now and then....